Tuesday 8 October 2013

Executive Minutes - October 2, 2013

Minutes for the English Society Meeting taking place on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013
Meeting called to order at 2:30 PM by President Janessa Mann
Members Present: Amanda W., Janessa M., Emily G., Curtis G., Becca M., Amanda C., Hillary U.
1.       Discussion of movie night
·         Due to projector and copyright issues, this will require planning slightly more in advance
·         Amanda to email information for the A/V key and Criterion to all members
·         Wider advertising may be necessary
·         We need to choose a movie during the next meeting date
2.       Meet and Greet
·         The event is being planned by Amanda and Hillary, with the help of Emily Hudson
·         The English department would like to split the costs 50/50
·         We have price quotes from the Bomber, however we would like to have a room in Hagey Hall where we can serve mini sliders and tea, as well as set up a hot chocolate bar
·         We need to promote this event to professors and students alike
·         Curtis will be making name tags for the society to wear
3.       Funding / Treasurer Report
·         Amanda will be the signing authority as of tomorrow
·         Amanda will be posting budget forms from the ASU to the Google drive
4.       Sweaters
·         Janessa will be emailing the necessary information to Becca and Emily
·         All in favour of keeping the same design, which will be placed on the back
·         The new sweaters will have zippers
·         All in favour of wearing sweaters to English Society events
5.       Poetry Slam
 ·         KW Slam would like to help out with the event, for a minimum fee of $30
·         Amanda to call Janice by next meeting date
·         All in favour of using this event as an EOT event as well
·         Date of November 25th chosen for the event
·         General consensus reached for an off-campus event encompassing the community
6.       Codex
·         Curtis printed 30 posters, which will be posted by next meeting date
·         Amanda C. will be adding the Codex to the English Blog
·         In the meantime, PROMOTE
Meeting adjourned by President Janessa Mann at 3:15 PM